Snow day

It snowed here in North Carolina last night.  Now for many places, that isn't a big deal.  But, here, well here it meant my daughter woke up in total shock, amazement and delight that there was 1/4" of snow.  You read that correct:  a whopping 1/4", if even.  That didn't stop us from making a snowman, with what snow we could rake, yes - rake, and sweep, yup - sweep, into a pile to roll around some snowballs.  Seriously.  And you would have thought we built the Taj Mahal.  We topped the snowman off with blueberry eyes, a cherry tomato nose and a skittles mouth.  His arms were an old bubble wand and a skewer from her playhouse grill. That, my friends, was one wonky looking snowman.

Anyways, if you have already peeked at my outfit, you are probably wondering why I am wearing a jean jacket on a snowy day.  Well, that is because by the time I got dressed (mid-afternoon since weather advisories were in effect all morning and I made sure to abide the warnings and be lazy as long as possible), the snow had melted and it was 50 degrees outside.  And tomorrow and the rest of the week it is supposed to be high 50's - low 70's.  That is springtime in my mind, hence the jean jacket.  The scarf was thrown on to remind me it snowed in the morning.  And also to cover the black bra I mistakenly put on under my white t-shirt but was too lazy to change.  Hooray for lazy, snowy days!

I Wore It Where?
Target, Mom's Night

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