Introducing....Pinterest Pinspiration Challenge

I've been pretty bored with my wardrobe lately.  Ridiculous, right?   I have an entire closet full of clothes.  But, I get bored easily and haven't been shopping lately to infuse anything new and exciting into the mix.  Recently I have found myself searching Pinterest for outfit ideas when I normally would be blogging.

Which got me thinking.......

(don't be skerred - but imagine smoke coming out of ears from thinking so hard)

......what if I actually looked at the items I pinned and used them as inspiration for getting dressed?

SAY WHAT?!?!?!  Is this what Oprah calls an 'AHA' moment?!

It seems surprisingly simple but I can't be the only one to find myself pinning all these amazing ideas and then never looking at them again. Right?  

Starting today and continuing until I am bored (a week? a month?), I have decided to use my Pinterest boards as pinspiration for my own dressing.  Any major event like this needs some preparation.  And preparation = shopping.   And pinning.  And research.  And research = more pinning.

My goal is to mainly use items I already own and wear them in a new to me pinspiring way.  I am also going to purchase a few new pieces that will help infuse some excitement into my wardrobe.  WAHOOOO, right?!  Now THIS is what gets me out of bed in the morning!!  (Either that or it is my kids waking me up and telling me they are hungry, but you get the idea.)

So, amuse me and amuse yourself and check back daily to see what new must have Spring items I added to my closet, what I am wearing and what pinspired it.  Don't forget to follow me on Pinterest.   

PS. What pinspires you?  If you have any pins that you have been crushing on but aren't sure how to make work, let's chat.

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